Jamie Madison

jamiemadisonart.com | @jamiebmadisonart

The New Romantic: Jamie Madison depicts Northern California landscapes redefined by the wildfires.

RECALCULATING, Acrylic, charcoal and paper on paper

TRANSFORMED, Oil, acrylic, paper and charcoal on panel

Jamie Madison Artist Statement:

When I was near term but still in utero, my family lost their dairy farm in upstate New York.  The cattle were all dead but frozen to the foundation where they remained until the spring thaw.  These were cows that had names - family members.  I have the distinct sense that the trauma my mother suffered was very much felt by me.  Everything having to do with fire inflames my fears. Some people are afraid of snakes, or spiders. I am afraid of fire.  The first whiff of the charred landscape makes my hair stand up on end.  

I live in Winters, California which has been evacuated 5 times in 4 years.  This year was the worst.  The 12 miles of winding hillside along Pleasant's Valley Road was decimated, and so many homes with it.  As I fire-phobe, I decided that it was time to look it straight in the face. What I found there was sudden and complete transformation, and the colors of the landscape were all wrong. Golden hills were black and dark trees turned white.  Dramatic, sad and also very beautiful.  

These paintings we completed in an emotive rush so strong, it almost felt as if they painted themselves.  


1. RECALCULATING, Acrylic, charcoal and paper on paper, 20” x 30”, 2020, $650 unframed

2. TRANSFORMED, Oil, acrylic, paper and charcoal on panel, 30” x 48”, 2020


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Julia Kim Smith